3 Reasons to Upgrade Your Car’s Lighting to LED

It is with good reason that LEDs are becoming the gold standard in modern lighting whether you are talking about in a vehicle, a home, or anywhere else. We’re going to take a closer look at 3 ways LEDs are an upgrade for any vehicle. 

#1 Better Visibility for You… And Oncoming Traffic 

If your LED lights are professionally installed, not only can they provide brighter lighting for the road ahead, but glare is actually reduced for drivers coming in the other direction. That helps to keep you safer by making sure you can see what you need to, but also that other drivers can clearly see you. 

#2 Never Change Your Headlights Again 

The fact is that LED bulbs last so long that unless something physically damages them, you are more likely to need a new car before you need new headlights. You would have to change a standard bulb 50 times before an LED fails. They last 20 times as long as halogen bulbs. You even get a longer life than HID headlamps.  

#3 Stay Awake at the Wheel 

While standard headlights simulate the same type of light as sunset and may actually lull a driver to sleep, LED headlamps have the opposite effect. The light resembles the sun at midday, causing the body to think it is time to be awake, even if you have to drive later in the evening. It’s no substitute for being well-rested, so if you get tired, you’ll still have to pull over. But it should help you not to start feeling drowsy as soon as you otherwise would have.  

The Right installers for Your LED Headlights in San Diego 

Soundiego has been serving the San Diego area for the past 25 years. Our installers can make sure you get the optimal benefits for your new LED headlights. Stop in and see us today, or call ahead at 619-582-5577 to get more information or make an appointment.

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